Squawking about movies, TV, and all the other pretty, shiny things that catch her eye. At least until someone plucks her back to reality.
Enter the name of a movie, TV show, or person and then click "Go" to get more information about it/them from imdb.com.
Search provided by The Internet Movie Database. To put a search on your web site, click here. !->!->Questions, comments, or care to contribute your own work? Heck, I'll even take requests! (Those would be requests for topics, and keep it clean!)
Contact me at ravenscar.d@gmail.com. I'm selfish, so I reserve all rights to edit, remove, and/or comment on any/all contributions to this site. (Should there ever be any.)
Are politics just reality TV for boring people, or horror for the masses? Check out my political mutterings from the Blogger floor at Raven has the floor and decide for yourself.
But if you really want to know why I keep flying into those pesky windows, check it out at Raven's Raving Again.