Monday, November 06, 2006

The Subs- The Beginning

It's an experiment of sorts. See, since I moved to Texas, my combo DVD/VHS player has been... well, opinionated. No, she's not eating tapes, scarring DVD's, refusing to work (that was my last player), or not turning off at all (that my last TV).

No, she spits out subtitles. Random subtitles. I'll usually get about one a movie, depending on, well, whatever criteria the DVD player is going by. I'm just watching, say Feast, and BAM! Up pops:

(Monster growls)

Gee, ya think?

It's not a big thing so far as technical glitches go, but it's annoying. So I'm passing on the annoyance to the three people who read this blog. Welcome to the ramdomness.

Supernatural- Season One on DVD

This was fun, not only did I get the random subtitles- I got them in FRENCH. Which I don't even speak. So I can't vouch for translations. But here we go...

1. Et les victimes sont toujours, un homme et une femme,
(Although the words coming out of his mouth were: the victims are always a man and a woman,)

2. La femme de menage a oublie de passer.
(Looks like the maid didn't come today.)

3. qu'elle lit dans nos pensees
(It's like she's reading your mind.)