Friday, July 28, 2006

Insert your own joke here 2.0

My what an... interesting news week we're having.

It's now confirmed, Daniel Radcliffe, who has been playing the role of Harry Potter for many a year now, will fufill the wishes of many a fainting fangirl, and give us the full monty in a production of Equus. Seriously. Uncle Vernon's in it, too. Goody!

Well, if you're looking to shed your image, shedding your clothing is certainly an option.

And with that allow me to wallow in the gutter with a few headlines, cliches and all.

  • Harry Potter to show us his 'Magic Wand' in West End production!
  • A 'stripped down' role for the Harry Potter actor.
  • The next 'big thing' for the London stage?
  • Radcliffe goes 'balls out' for his next role.

Oh, dear. I think I'll stop there.
Yeah, right there.